Presidential Search Announcement

June 26, 2024

The Board of Directors of Zollikon Institute today announces the formation of a Presidential
Search Team to prayerfully seek a leadership successor for our Founder and President, Norita D.
Yoder. In December Norita announced to the Board that she plans to move out of her current
position as President. She desired the board to seek a successor with a heart and passion to
carry on the vision and mission who is gifted to continue the successful work she has begun.

Norita shares, “It has been my profound joy to birth Zollikon and bring it into the world, then
open the doors for the first time in Spring ‘22. It has been a true delight to cast the vision of
Zollikon in the community and see people come together around a shared vision.

From the time I first began praying about this vision in 2016, to casting a vision and mission
and finding a university partner, then taking it from ground zero to the current place, the
formation, creation, and existence of Zollikon has been a God thing. This could not have been
accomplished without the strong shared community support with which Zollikon Institute and I
have been blessed. Thank-you!

Norita plans to remain involved in Zollikon and is committed to the founding vision and mission.

Zollikon Institute has had over 300 students through the doors since the inaugural semester in
spring ’22, just over 2 years ago. On the Professional Development side, business, ministry
training and technical certificate courses of study are offered and the Accredited track is built
out to permit students to earn their associates degree right here in Holmes County.

A Presidential Search Team has been formed by the Zollikon Board of Directors to seek the
Lord’s guidance in identifying a successor President for Zollikon. The Search Team is Stephen
Byler, Mark Miller, Sherry Mullet Miller, John Stahl-Wert, and Marcus Yoder.

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the addition of Roger Schrock, president of
Rockwood Door, to the Board of Directors.

Norita D. Yoder, Founder/President, Zollikon Institute
Zollikon Institute Board of Directors