Learn How To Earn credit toward Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s Degrees

ZOLLIKON INSTITUTE / Programs / Accredited Courses

Accredited Courses

  • Earn regionally accredited college credits towards an Associates of Arts Degree within the context of our trusted community.
  • Learn from culturally relevant instructors whose classes are exclusively for students at the Zollikon Institute.
  • Find belonging with intentionally Anabaptist student life within a trusted community in Holmes County.


Learn more about the details of the Associate of Arts Degree curriculum

Zollikon Institute provides two different tracks of study: accredited courses and Professional Development courses. Accredited courses are in partnership with Kairos University and Malone University and for those looking to pursue degree programs.

Kairos University logo

As a contextualization partner of Kairos University, our learning experiences and resources can be leveraged to help you gain proficiency in your Kairos competency-based courses. Kairos University encourages its students to demonstrate proficiency in its competency-based courses for prior coursework or learning through mentor team conversations and as part of the Master Assessment process. You will be required to demonstrate mastery through the Master Assessment process, and credit will be awarded for the successful completion of each Kairos competency-based course.

Malone University Logo

The Malone University accredited courses have the same expectations as all other Malone University courses and are taught by instructors who support the culture of the plain Anabaptist community. Accredited courses may be taken for both high school and college credit through dual enrollment.

Regional Accreditation provided in partnership with Malone University. 49% of courses of the Associate of Arts Degree are available in person in Berlin, OH and 51% that are available in online classes.


Email: [email protected]

Office: (330) 390-4142


Zollikon Institute
PO Box 283
Berlin, Ohio 44610

Contact us today to find out how you can begin. 

Email:  [email protected]

Office:  (330) 390-4142